Course Program

  • 1

    Step 1: I Am Now Achieving a State of Blissful Wellbeing

    • Hello & Welcome to Step 1!

    • How to use this course

    • Day 1: I Choose Wellbeing

    • Journey into Blissful Wellbeing - A Guided Meditation

    • Day 2: I Am Clearing My Path & Moving Forward

    • Day 3: I Honor My Body

    • Day 4: I Am in Charge of How I Feel

    • Setting Powerful Daily Intentions

    • Short Version: Daily Intentions/ Journal Prompts

    • Day 5: Intro to EFT Tapping

    • Day 5: I Can Feel My Way Into a State of Total Wellbeing

    • Day 6: I Allow Myself to Be at Ease

    • Day 7: I Create Space for Inner Peace & Positive Change

    • 15 Minutes of Meditation Music

    • Week 1 Check-In and Set Intentions

    • Day 8: I Am Cultivating My Energy

    • Qigong for Energy - Part 1

    • Qigong for Energy - Part 2

    • Day 9: I Gain More Clarity

    • Practicing the Feeling of Clarity

    • Day 10: I Am Resilient

    • Day 11: I Am in the Power of This Present Moment

    • Day 12: I Am Inspired to Move My Body

    • Day 13: I Eat What I Love & Love What I Eat

    • Day 14: I Sleep Restfully

    • Before you go to sleep...

    • Week 2 Check-In and Set Intentions

    • Day 15: I Love My Daily Routine

    • Day 16: I Am More at Ease Every Day

    • Day 17: I Am Raising My Vibration

    • Practice Aligning with Your True Nature

    • Day 18: Wellbeing Is a Part of Who I Am

    • Day 19: I Am Creating the Perfect Day for My Wellbeing

    • Journey into Blissful Wellbeing - A Guided Meditation

    • Day 20: I Am Decisive

    • Day 21: I Am Balanced & Calm

    • Week 3 Check-In and Set Intentions

    • Day 22: My Body Is Transforming to Accommodate My Wishes

    • Day 23: I Am an Example of Peace

    • Day 24: I Feel Empowered with Pure Positive Energy

    • Day 25: I Know What to Do When Life Gets Stressful

    • Day 26: I Have a Natural Ability to Create Positive Change

    • Day 27: I Maintain My Wellbeing

    • Day 28: I Am in the Qualities & Energy of Blissful Wellbeing

    • Week 4 Check-In and Set Intentions

    • Day 29: I Am Focused & Unstoppable in My Spirit of Peace & Wellbeing

    • Day 30: 1-2-3, I Feel Ease

    • Guided Audio: 1-2-3 Ease

    • Anchoring It In

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...

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    Step 2: I Choose to Feel Happy & Free

    • Welcome to Step 2!

    • Day 31: I Was Born to Be Happy & Free

    • Day 32: My Inner Spirit Guides Me to Align with My True Self

    • Set an Intention for Your Day

    • Day 33: I Honor Myself

    • Set an Intention for Yourself

    • Day 34: I Am My Own Best Friend

    • Day 35: I Am Self-Governed

    • Day 36: I Allow Myself Personal Freedom

    • Day 37: It's Time for Me to Have More Fun!

    • Set Your Powerful Intentions

    • Speak to Your Desire

    • Day 38: I Am Intimately Connected to My Wise Self

    • Day 39: I Choose Love

    • Day 40: I Always Have a Solution

    • Day 41: I Appreciate Anything I Pay Attention To

    • Day 42: I Am Struggle-Free

    • Day 43: I Am an Example of Joy

    • Day 44: I Am Open & Receptive to Love

    • Set Your Powerful Intentions

    • Day 45: I Have a Happy & Healthy Relationship

    • Day 46: I Can Transform My Family Relationships

    • Day 47: My Social Life Is Just Right

    • Day 48: When All Else Fails, I Have My Sense of Humor

    • Day 49: I Love My Life & All It Brings

    • Day 50: I Am in The Joy of Who I Am

    • Day 51: I Am Gentle with Myself

    • Set Your Powerful Intentions

    • Day 52: Happiness Is My Choice

    • Day 53: I Set Myself Free

    • Day 54: Appreciation is the Key

    • Day 55: I Always Feel the Way I Wish to Feel

    • Day 56: Everything Is Working Out For Me

    • Day 57: My Life Feels Deeply Satisfying

    • Day 58: I Am in the Qualities & Energy of Happiness & Freedom

    • Set Your Powerful Intentions

    • Day 59: I am Focused & Unstoppable in My Spirit of Joy, Love, & Appreciation

    • Day 60: 1-2-3, I Feel Free

    • Day 60 - Guided Audio: 1-2-3 Free

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    Step 3: I Am Creating the Life I Wish For

    • Hello & Welcome to Step 3!

    • Day 61: I Know What I Want & Why I Want It

    • Day 62: My Desired Reality is Ready for Me

    • Day 63: I Am Creating an Atmosphere for Success

    • Day 64: I Am Worthy of All My Desires

    • Day 65: I Am Open & Receptive to Unlimited Abundance

    • Day 66: I Believe in My Dreams

    • Day 67: I Always Expect Good Things to Happen

    • Day 68: I Am Constantly Expanding

    • Day 69: I Am Practicing an Abundance Mindset

    • Guided Audio - Manifesting Your Desires

    • Day 70: I Am So Very Fortunate

    • Day 71: I Circulate the Wealth in My Life

    • Day 72: I Am Inspired to Be the Person I Was Born to Be

    • Day 73: I Am Unconditionally Happy

    • Day 74: My Vision is Clear

    • Day 75: It's Time for My Lifelong Pep Talk

    • Day 76: I Am Celebrating

    • Day 77: I Am Practicing the State I Wish to Be In

    • Day 78: I Am Playful & Purposeful

    • Day79: I Am Inspired to Take Action

    • Day 80: I Get Things Done

    • Day 81: I Have a Positive Momentum Going

    • Day 82: Positive Outcomes & Opportunities Find Me

    • Day 83: I See Any Challenge As an Opportunity

    • Day 84: I Am Successful at Everything I Do

    • Day 85: I Am Magnetic to All My Desires

    • Day 86: My Wishes Come True

    • Day 87: I Am in the Qualities & Energy of Unlimited Abunance

    • Day 88: I Am Focused & Unstoppable in My Spirit of Abundance

    • Day 89: Thank You in Advance

    • Day 90: 1 - 2 - 3, My Wishes Come True

    • Guided Audio: 123 - My Wishes Come True

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    3 Steps in Review: I Bring Harmony to My Mind, Body, and Spirit

    • Welcome to the 10-Day Review

    • Day 91: My Actions & Intentions Are Creating a Life I Love

    • Day 92: I Practice a State of Ease & Wellbeing

    • Day 93: I am Now Achieving Blissful Wellbeing

    • Audio- Journey into Wellbeing Guided Meditation

    • Day 94: I Choose to Be Happy

    • Day 95: I Practice Love & Appreciation

    • Day 96: I Feel Free

    • Day 97: I Wish ~ I Dream ~ I Believe

    • Day 98: I Have an Abundance Mindset

    • Day 99: I Am Now Achieving All My Desires

    • Day 100: Moving Forward & Upward on My Journey

    • 123 - Harmony

    • Congratulations on finishing the course!

Course Workbook (Optional)

Intentions, Questions & Affirmations that are meant to get you thinking and feeling how you truly wish to feel, resulting in a life-changing transformation.

This course is for you if...

You want to consistently practice feeling good so you can attract an even more wonderful life full of happy, healthy relationships and experiences, as well as improve the ones you have

It’s time for you to feel deeply satisfied with every area of your life. Nothing is in the way. It’s all available to you, and there’s no limit to the amount of wellbeing, happiness, and abundance you can have. Imagine practicing how you wish to feel so consistently that you begin to energetically align with your desires and attract more good things into your life. There would be no such thing as stress or struggle in your life. And this can be the way things are for you. So imagine there’s a new voice in your head…that is you, being your own best friend, and it’s fully supportive, adores you, and is ready to create everything you’ve ever desired and knows you deserve it. That is what this course is meant to help you do. I wish for it to be your constant friend that coaches you and inspires you to guide your own thoughts and energy until your desires feel like a part of you. As you align your energy with them, they are yours to have. Wishing for you to align with your natural state of wellbeing, joy, freedom, and abundance! ~ Susan

About the Instructor

Susan Balogh, Owner of Wish*More Wellness

Owner of Wish*More Wellness

Susan Balogh

Susan Balogh is a law of attraction coach, author/publisher, and speaker who has a passion for helping others cultivate a deep connection with their natural born energy and effortlessly align with their desires. In doing so, any daily struggle may appear to magically fade away on its own. With a desire for a higher level of wellbeing for herself and others, she sought training for over 20 years in many healing modalities. She is from Western New York, but travels the country in her custom RV to provide donation-based teaching any chance she gets. She is a certified happiness coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, Qi Gong instructor, and EFT coach. For more information visit

Additional 1:1 Coaching Packages Available: 50% Off Initial Consultation

For a more personal experience with further guidance and transformation, Contact Susan at [email protected]

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Try the Workbook for Further Self-Discovery

This is a more in-depth workbook that really helps you get to know yourself and what you want, right down to the itty-bitty details of your true self, your passions, your work life, your home life, social life, wishes and dreams, and everything in between...