
Wish*More Wellness' mission is to help you create the life you wish for! You can feel your way into any reality you wish to exist in. It just takes practice. A consistent practice. Let it be now...

The 100-Day Book

Our 100-Day Course is Based on the 100-Day Book

This completely optional workbook has been called" life-changing" and offers a more in-depth personal transformation.
Book Cover for 100 Days of Actions & Intention to Create the Life You Wish For

~ Testimonials ~

The 100-Day Course and Books

Anonymous Message via Instagram

"I am a huge fan of your work. I have two of your books. I wish more people knew about you as your books and videos have been helping me. Your books are a forever resource for me. I was dealing with a lot of anxiety and your course and videos have been helping me. Hoping to do your anxiety course once I am done with 100 days. If your content is changing one life, please know it is mine. Your calming presence and energy are truly enough to help me after a stressful shift at work. "I am taking my time with the hundred day course as I sometimes do the days twice. It’s really helping me. I just did one of your tapping meditations on YouTube. Please feel encouraged that your course and content are really changing lives. Thank you so much!"

The 100-Day Book -100 Days of Actions & Intentions to Create the Life You Wish For


"Hello! I felt the urge to write you and simply say, thank you. I have been reading your book, 100 days of Actions and Intentions to Create the Life You Wish For. I am in the middle of it and I can't tell you how much I look forward to it everyday. I can feel a transformation beginning within me. For the first time in my life I feel like life is not just happening to me. I know that I get to decide how I feel and guide my intentions in a direct purpose. I love how each chapter of your book has very thought provoking questions. They always get me to take a deeper look at myself and the life around me. I also love that every chapter has an action to take as I practice these fresh ideas. I feel like I have new eyes. I see things differently. I look at people differently and I see myself in a better light. I have an inner peace that is getting stronger every day. My wife has told me how much of a difference she has seen in me and is now interested in reading the book too. Again, thank you for writing this book and sharing it with the world. It is a cherished gift and you have brought joy to my life. Good energy to you and yours. Thank you!! I am also completely open to you using my email as a testimonial. Go ahead and use my name. I'm proud to support you!" With Gratitude, ~ Ivan

A 100-Day Course Review


"This course really exceeded my expectations. It's all about guiding yourself into a life of great joy, less anxiety, and aligning yourself to pursue your dreams. The instructor is friendly, professional, and welcoming. Her techniques are practical and easy to follow. I got into the habit of watching one video each evening before bed. Sometimes there would be homework or something to follow up the next day. It never failed to improve my outlook and attitude, and to bring about real improvements in my life. I give this my highest recommendation!"

1:1 Coaching Packages Available (50% OFF Beginning in January)

Receive additional guidance to live the life you deserve to live. And set yourself free from any daily struggle. Available weekly, biweekly, or monthly...

Practice 1:1 with Susan - She will guide you to practice the feeling place of anything you wish to be or have or do. You can begin to attract more good things into your life and and create a remarkable improvement in your relationships, work life, and anything you wish. Available online or in person. The key is consistent practice and creating a life-long habit of being in the harmony and joy of who you are by nature, so that you can start living a good-feeling life you love more every day... Available Online or In-Person in WNY. Contact Susan to make an appointment and discuss your options.

More Courses & Books Coming soon!

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